The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

About Me

Those who know me know that I don't tend to self-promotion (it comes from a lifetime of shying away from the spotlight), so I haven't done bios on myself very often. At least nothing more than a couple of lines. I'll do my best here.

I started this blog as a way to document my academic journey to my MLIS (Master's in Library and Information Science) degree. I started it in 2014 right about the time I found out I was accepted into the program. Oddly enough, one of the classes during my first semester required me to start a blog (if I didn't have one already) and post to it. Having this little chronicle established meant I was already ahead of the curve. I took it as a sign that I was meant to start this blog. Over the blog's existence, it's turned into much, much more than merely a place to talk about school. It's become a place for me to explore not only my academics, but also my thoughts on some of the issues in the profession in which I now find myself, as well as my trials and victories in the kitchen, in the garden, and in life. I had never envisioned that this blog would morph into what it is now. But I am very glad that it has.

So a little about myself. I'm currently a librarian at a high school in northern California (San Francisco Bay Area region). I really enjoy being a librarian and working with students. My students are one of my joys in life, and every day with them is another adventure. We teach each other about books, and I've picked up many a title because one of my students recommended it to me. I work with some truly amazing kiddos.

I have a close family, and while I have no children of my own, I am the proud aunt and godmother of two amazing little humans. To me, family is so important (which I'm sure you know if you've read some of my blog), and the traditions we celebrate are very dear to me. I am proud to be from two cultures--Swedish and Italian--with wonderful traditions (and food!). I'm also an avid reader, which I think must almost certainly be a requirement in the librarian job description, and I'm often nose-deep in a book. The reading corner on my blog lets you see what I've been reading.

I try to keep out of politics and religion (well, at least on my blog) simply because I'm not willing to harbor any chance of starting a comment war. People can be very touchy when it comes to these two things--which involve very personal decisions--and I want to keep the drama, name-calling, and negative back-and-forth I see in other places out of my space. I don't mind engaging in a little debate, but too often I see people take comments as personal attacks and retaliate in kind. This is not the venue for such activity.

My writing is sprinkled with recipes, anecdotes, a few pictures, and anything else I feel like adding. To all who seek food and fun, you are welcome here.