The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Friday, January 17, 2014


I think I just went through a time warp. I blinked and already we're in mid-January. The almost two months since my last post have flown by, and I'm trying to catch my breath. There's been two holidays, a wedding proposal, a graduation, and preparation for my last semester. My weekends through at least the end of February are already booked with plans. Needless to say, life just suddenly went into overdrive.

This is going to be a big year for me. For those of you that have been following my blog, you probably know that I'm graduating from my Master's program in May. My last semester starts next week. The beginning of the end, you might say. My academics will be concentrated on putting together my e-portfolio (something I've posted about before), a large project that degree candidates can choose instead of a thesis. And no, it's not the easy way out. Yes, there's no additional research involved unless I feel I need to research for one of the core competencies I have to address. But there is a lot of review, analysis, evaluation, and presentation of my work and professional concepts from my entire program which I use to argue my case that my work has met the core competencies. There's a ton of writing involved and I have to look at all my work, what I've learned, and what I'm taking away very critically. No loosey-goosey work will be accepted. I'm glad to finally be at this last stage, but I'm nervous as to how well my e-portfolio advisor and I will work together.

The other major event happening this year is my wedding. Scooter proposed to me on Christmas Day and in December of this year, I will officially become Mrs. Scooter. I won't be talking about any wedding-related plans here; this is not the venue for that. I hope to keep even mention of the wedding to a minimum. Between my last semester and the inevitable wedding tasks to complete, I may again lose track of time and forget to post. I apologize in advance.

I'm also considering the future of this blog. Originally, this blog was created to chronicle my academic journey over the course of my Master's program. Well, my program will be done in May. I have to decide if I want to continue maintaining this blog and allow it to evolve after my program is complete. Any input from you, the readers, on this would be helpful.

I should have more to post next week, including a fun article that talks about six famous library cats. I will also post a recipe for pork medallions.

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