The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year, A Better Year (?)

I seem to have lost focus on this blog, especially in the last month. With my own burdens to bear in the month of December--emotional and physical ones--I haven't been too aware of libraries or the profession in general. My blog had been tending towards the academic, especially in the last half of 2012. I feel that this trend has also removed my personal attachment to this blog, so in honor of this time of new beginning and make-overs I am going to start including more about life in this blog. I will still comment on issues that libraries and librarians face, and I will keep posting recipes, but I will include more about my travels (which I had a lot of fun doing last June when I went to visit BD in Ithaca) and more personal touches. In this, I hope to develop this record of my posts into more than just another blog, but a blog that is obviously written by a real person with real thoughts.

As I seem to do at the beginning of every year, I take a look at where I am in life. I know a lot of us do it. We take stock of the things we've done and things we never got to, and we ask questions of ourselves. Did I do everything I wanted to last year? Should I finally try that diet I keep meaning to start? Should I read more? Exercise more? Play more? Study more? Smoke less? Eat less? Spend less? Should I push myself to try new things? Should I take the risk and look for another job? I ask myself similar questions and have come up with my own set of New Year's Resolutions:

1. Slowly adopt a healthier lifestyle. I want more time outdoors and healthier (but still tasty) food. I know something like this will not come all at once, but little changes here and there will allow me to make small steps towards accomplishing this.
2. Start another garden. Unfortunately, this one depends on when/where Scooter and I move. There is a place near where we live now that would be ideal and is supposed to become available soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works out.
3. Downsize my stuff. I have a lot of stuff, and I don't need it all. Scooter and I actually already got a start on this and cleaned out the closet last night. Three bags of clothes are now waiting to be delivered to good will. It's a good start.
4. Take up art again. I used to doodle, color, sketch, and paint. I still have all my supplies, and I want to start using them again. I've begun to miss using my creativity and the peace and joy creating something brings.
5. Surround myself with goodness. I don't need negative people, I don't need to dwell on bad things I can't change, and I don't need to let negative thoughts/words affect me so much.

Five resolutions, five hopes to make things better this year. Feel free to share any of your New Year's resolutions. 2013 will be a good year.

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