The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Miracle of Life

Yes, I know--cheesy title. But very appropriate for this post. Last Monday (January 14th) I helped welcome my nephew and godson into the world. The baby boy is the first son of my best friend K and her husband. Baby boy's birth was an exciting, terrifying, exhilarating and draining experience (I have no children of my own and had never experienced a delivery before), but it was an event I would not have missed for the world. It's something I can't help but share, along with this picture (posted with mom's permission).

Now I'm going to brag (just a bit), but not about me. K and hubby were and are an incredible team, and it's obvious at least to me that they are very much meant to be parents. They so obviously love their boy (who wouldn't be with that little face?) and very happy despite now being sleep-deprived as many (all?) parents are when their baby first comes home.

And I love this child. I've known him for just over a week and have spent a total of almost three hours of quality time with him, and already I know he has me wrapped around his little finger. To borrow from Dana Carvey, "his cuteness is making me weak." Sorry K, but I can't guarantee that I will be very good with laying down the law with this kid. I am so thrilled and honored to be a part of his life. We have many good years ahead of us, and I look forward to seeing him grow up.

And because I'm sure this is not the last time I will mention him, baby boy's name in my blog will be Jaybird. Another well-deserved congratulations to the new parents!

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