The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Enough Life Already!

No, the title is not some desperate manifestation of self-injuring thoughts, but rather a cry for some order in the recent chaos

The last thirty days have been uncommonly eventful. Yes, I know the adage: "when it rains, it pours." But as I've mentioned to several people, it hasn't just poured, it's flooded. Have you ever felt like you were *this close* to your breaking point? Well, I'm there. I'm now in emotional and mental survival mode. It's not an easy thing to admit. I'm a person that likes some measure of control over her life and there's just been way too much that I haven't been able to control lately. It adds a level of nervousness and anxiety onto an already stressed state. I'm more than ready for things to calm down and for me to once again reach equilibrium and settle back into a routine.

Admittedly, not everything that's happened in the last month has been bad. As I mentioned several posts ago, my adorable (enter copious amounts of gushing here) nephew Jaybird came into the world and into my life. Every minute I've spent with him has been a blessing. But then the tidal wave of stuff hit and I've found myself struggling to handle it all: another semester starting for school, several large projects going on at work, family (not going into details), everything seemingly happening all at once. The straw that broke the camel's back was having to put down my cat yesterday. She was very old and had gotten very sick (an incurable cancerous tumor was growing in her mouth), and yesterday we had to make the decision to let her go. I am so thankful that the vet she had been seeing was so incredibly compassionate and supportive throughout Bailey's last few weeks. And I'm thankful that she had a peaceful end.

I end this post with a picture memorial for Bailey, long-time family member and a cat that was not afraid to lay down the law with her peers. We will miss you Bailey, even your sister Sandy who will need to find someone else to stalk around the apartment.



  1. OK - Now you have me shedding tears too. We had to put down our dog 5 years ago and I am still sad. Our cat, who is 14, is on high blood pressure medication and has a bladder infection. We're doing all we can to keep her going because I can't imagine not having her around. So, I understand how the death of a beloved pet can be the straw that broke the camel's back... hang in there!

    1. Thank you for the kind thoughts--we're doing OK. Tuesday was an emotional day, but it's amazing how much good having another cat around to help with the aftermath can do. Sandy has been sticking to me like glue; I guess she knows that her mom needs her!

  2. So sad to hear about your Bailey.
