The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Have Senioritis

I thought by now that things would calm down enough for me to catch my breath. And they have, to some extent. But life is still, well, life and it consistently seems to want my waking hours to be as *ahem* interesting as possible. To put it bluntly, I feel almost as busy now as I did during this last semester. Admittedly, part of this is my fault. I want to be involved in things: in my program's department, in the volunteer work I do, in family, in fun activities. And I could do all of that, but my sleep may suffer (and has) as a result. Please don't get me wrong--I'm not trying to complain. I'm just surprised at how much other "stuff" I've become committed to. I never really thought of myself as a person with a cause. I still don't, but I have become a part of so much more than I ever saw myself doing before starting my MLIS.

Because I work full-time, I don't get to be as involved in my program department as I could see myself doing. There are some things I have to say no to, mainly student organizations that I wish I had the time for but don't because I have to earn a paycheck (for the little things like rent and bills). But occasionally, something does come along that I can commit to. Something like contributing to a department-run blog, or helping out at the department's convocation ceremony for those who completed their program this last year. The former I was able to do early last week, and the latter I got to help out with this last weekend.

And because I was at Convocation, I think I have contracted a severe case of senioritis. Is that even possible when you're past undergraduate work? I'm ready for my program to be OVER. I'm already counting down the days to my convocation next year. Mom and I have started planning on what type of hotel rooms we'll get, where we'll have dinner the night before and the night of the ceremony, and the logistics of who will be there and how to get tickets. Yes, I know it's a year away, but I can't help it. I'm planning on getting Pomp and Circumstance for my iPod or smartphone so I can play it for myself and my mom, who I'm sure will do what she always does when I've played the song on the piano and get misty-eyed. Scooter is just counting down the days until the time when he no longer has to wash all the dishes because I'm in school. Well, not really, but he'll be glad to "have me back" and not have to share me with my laptop eight months of the year.

So anxious to complete my degree. Definitely have serious senioritis.

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