The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It can do a person a world of good to find out that the first-semester jitters are not unique to her alone. I've been checking some of the older forums on a student community site hosted by the school, and every single new semester is filled with students who sound just as excited, scared, nervous, and overwhelmed as I do. To anyone else new to their program who is reading this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!

I have the New Student Checklist that my school offers and it has been an enormous help. If anyone is trying to go it alone their first semester, please do yourself a favor and use your school's resources (even if all you do is talk to your advisor). You may find what they have to be a great tool to "newbies," and I am constantly referring to my list to make sure that I am getting everything done.

But even with the help of said list, I still find myself worrying. Will I be able to get the classes I want? Can I handle the work load? How many classes should I take my first semester? What if I overlooked something? Will I get the financial aid that I need? How much time a week will I have to give to school? Will I be okay with classes AND my full-time job?

Round and round these questions go in my head. From what I've read on the school forums, several students who got through their first semesters said that you get used to it, that you settle into a routine. Their advice is to remain calm. Well, in my case that's easier said than done.

But I'll try to look at this objectively. I'm probably making more of this than it warrants. I do tend to worry a lot more than the situation deserves. And day 1 of the new semester is still a few months off. I have all summer to get used to the idea that I'm going back to school. So I'll try to take a deep breath, hold my head high, and relax.

Good luck to everyone else who is approaching their first semester of their degree program!

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