The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Can I buy some time from you?

My attitude this week can be summed up in four words: ready for a break!

I wish I could buy some time. Or even barter for it. Anyone have any time they would like to get rid of? Do you have an hour you could loan me? It might be very tired when I return it to you, but I would appreciate it greatly! I could pay you in homemade baked goods. *sigh* If only. Is it bad that I'm counting down the days until all my school work is turned in? Hope not--it's helping to keep me sane during the final crunch!

My workload (at work and school) is set to increase exponentially over the next few weeks until all my school work is completed and submitted on May 10th. Part of this increase is self-imposed--I'm going out of town soon for a few days, and so work and school will be put on hold during this time. I'm working to manage my time and tasks wisely before and after my trip so that all work-related and school-related things are done on time. My trip could have had better timing, but it was planned around a set event (which I will probably post about with pictures upon my return), so there wasn't a whole lot of flexibility on when I could go. At work, some of my periodic duties seem to be occurring all at once, which is resulting in a higher-than-normal workload even without the consideration of my time off. So yeah, timing is not great. To make sure everything gets done when it should, my poor little check list feature on Outlook is working overtime to keep me organized. When time becomes a hot commodity, it's important to use all the tools at your disposal.

It will be particularly difficult to get internship work done when out of town. So, to account for this, I've been working a bit extra over the last couple of weeks. Between my extra hours and the last on-site day (scheduled for next month), I should be able to keep on task with hours and work even if I'm not able to spend any time on my laptop while I'm gone. Planning ahead is really going to let me enjoy myself without worrying about what still needs to be done.

And through all the chaos, the same mantra keeps repeating itself in my head: one more year, one more year, one more year...


  1. Hi Sarah,

    You can do it! I'm in much the same type of boat as well, except I just returned from my short trip late last night. I worked extra earlier in the week for Dr. Franks so that losing last Friday - this Monday wasn't a crippling ordeal. Pulling for ya!



  2. Sarah, I feel exactly the same way! In fact, reading your post has me fretting over getting everything done--I have a trip coming up in between myself. But as Anthony said, we're all in the same boat! We can do it!!
