The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Making Lemonade

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Well, I had to make lots of lemonade this week. Scooter's car got broken into, and although we were extremely lucky because the car was still there and nothing in it was taken (even though Scooter had cash and tools in the backseat), there was still damage done that we're now having to deal with. Another small blessing is that our insurance has been very helpful and responded quickly.

Then late in the week, I broke my website I had been using for class assignments in my Drupal class. Yes, broke. It was due to two modules (packets of code installed on the Drupal software) being incompatible with each other. The result? My entire website being replaced with a blank page and one line of text describing an error (and not the usual web errors). Of course I panicked, and when my efforts to restore things didn't work I was literally in tears. All my work for the past 10 weeks...gone. Then I remembered when we had to create backup sites earlier in the semester; my backup site was also displaying the same error, but I realized the content had to still be on the server. Checking my server files proved me right. Thank heavens. It took another three hours to fix the problem, but eventually I got my site working again.

So between Scooter's car and my website, things were chaotic this week, and my internship hours and Drupal assignments for the week suffered a major setback. It's a good thing that my instructor and my site supervisor know that life sometimes happens. It's a reality that I think everyone who works with adult students must acknowledge. I have to be aware of it myself, as I work with adult students at my job too. My instructor gave me a few extra days to complete my Drupal work for the week (and I actually got the extension before my site broke--I call that good timing). My site supervisor told me not to worry, that I'm doing excellent work, and that I shouldn't let the internship be cause of needless stress.

Things turned out okay, and even though we're still dealing with the aftermath of Scooter's car, life has calmed down a bit. The lemonade isn't outstanding, but it's at least a little sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sarah. What a week. Backups are so important! Thank goodness you were able to retrieve your files. I am glad to hear your internship site supervisor thinks you are doing a good job. The end of the term will be here soon, and then you can relax a little.
