The perfect blend of good food, good books, and whatever else I toss in.

Thursday, August 26, 2010!

Two days into the official start of the Fall Semester and I already feel like I'm behind. I've downloaded and organized the reading list and assignment list, and I poked around the class web page to get up to speed with finding everything. I bought a few supplies, put everything neatly into a binder, and filled in a day planner with important class stuff (when readings/assignments are due, class events, etc.). I even printed out two of the first week's reading assignments so that I can highlight and make notes like I usually do. Now that I see the lay of the land, my response to it is: what did I get myself into?

I was well aware in the theoretical sense that graduate classes are much harder and more work-intensive than undergraduate courses. I also knew in the small recesses of my mind that it would mean I would need to take more time per class that I had previously been used to. But somehow there seems to have been some difficulty in translating that into practical terms. Not now.

I'm almost overwhelmed by the amount of reading that will need to be done on a weekly basis. On top of that are the other assignments that I must complete to show my instructor that I know what I'm talking about (for lack of a better turn of phrase). I had originally planned to make Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights my school nights during the week (with weekends as additional schoolwork days). I think I may need to spend some time every week night doing a little bit more to get what I need done on time. Otherwise, I fear that I'll fall behind. Now I understand why organization and time management skills are so crucial to being successful in an online course.

I have to say that I'm a bit relieved that my instructor has decided to schedule Elluminate sessions on a weekly basis. For those not familiar with it, Elluminate is a program that allows for discussion and collaboration between people over the Internet, and it's rather like the webinar program I use here at work. I'm not sure what the "agenda" for these weekly Elluminate sessions will be. I doubt it will be a straight lecture. However, I look forward to being able to connect verbally with both my instructor and my classmates, and I intend to take full advantage by attending them.

I'm sure that once I get set in a routine and find my stride, things will even out a bit more and I'll be more comfortable with the work load. For now I'll do the best I can and try to keep up with my reading. Highlighters at the ready! On my mark, get set...READ!

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